‘The emptiness was palpable,’ writes Huber. In a death-wish note she left behind, she railed that ‘the world that will come after the Fuhrer and National Socialism won’t be worth living in, so I have taken the children with me. Some of our cameras are designed to be linked with your router so that you can access a live video feed from your smart device anywhere in the world. In the Twenties, this was a proud nation humbled after defeat in World War I, economically bust, with unemployment out of control, beggars and wounded ex-soldiers everywhere, politicians floundering. Their desperate plight was summed up by the once loyal Nazi worker who, as the war came to an end and the regime collapsed, declared: ‘Everything I believed is turning out to be madness and a crime. As the tanks of Stalin’s unstoppable Red Army advanced from the east, Nazi propaganda spread terror stories of Bolshevik ‘mongol hordes’, raping, torturing, pillaging, seeking revenge.
A person’s closeness to or distance from the Nazi regime made no difference. I learned about tax law, self-employment, digital marketing, the importance of a savings account and the difference between gross and net profit. The dead included a master butcher, a carpenter, a cartwright, a cleaning woman, a chief tax clerk, a mechanic, a chef, a chemist, a postal worker, a well digger, a dentist, a barber and a midwife. Disturbing numbers of the dead — perhaps as many as a third — were children. Amid the chaos, the numbers who took their own lives rather than face up to the reality of defeat largely went unnoticed. In the event, she chose to disobey him, but all over the Third Reich as it headed to defeat and humiliation, tens of thousands — the exact numbers are unknown — chose this way out. As it dawned on people that failure and defeat were an increasing possibility, the bubble burst and the psychological shock wave was immense. Over just five days, at least 600 and possibly as many as 1,000 people from all walks of life chose to die in Demmin rather than risk the wrath of the Russians. The accompanying note reads “the thiasus, was the ecstatic retinue of Dionysus” which roughly translated means five people completely losing it while all having attractively filmed sex together.
While there, she first met and began dating the man who’d most influence her life, Paul Levesque. But then Hitler’s new Germany began to fall apart. The love affair — the so-called Fuhrer liebe — between the nation and its leader began to sour. This was intended to ensure the nation fought to the avast cleanup key 2017 bitter end, but it unwittingly encouraged those in the immediate firing line, women in particular, to seek safety from even greater harm in Selbstmord — suicide. Or from shame. As Berlin fell, it is estimated that 10,000 women committed suicide after being raped. The feeling that life post-Hitler had lost all meaning was encapsulated by Magda, Goebbels’s wife, who joined her husband naked teen ass in death in the ruins of Berlin. A hot girl seeks her vengeance on the team of assassins who betrayed her, terminating them after their last steamy sex. His left elbow rests on his treasured party membership card, a last act of fealty.
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